Announcing Our Zapier Integration

July 5, 2021
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At SolveXia, we’re driven by our goal of helping business users automate tasks without having to code. That is why we have linked up with Zapier, who share this vision, so that we can provide our users with more opportunities to eliminate tedious data work.

SolveXia and Zapier

SolveXia allows business users of any background to combine, transform and analyse the data that powers their reports and reconciliations. Our flexible and secure platform enables automation for business teams of all sizes. That’s why it makes sense to partner up and integrate with Zapier. Both SolveXia and Zapier are no-code solutions that help business teams use automation to accelerate beyond roadblocks and bottlenecks created by manual work.

Find the SolveXia integration in the Zapier app centre and create automations with systems like:

  • Gmail and Outlook 365
  • Google Drive, Dropbox and Microsoft OneDrive
  • Quickbooks and Xero
  • Salesforce, Dynamics 365 CRM and Hubspot
  • Microsoft Teams and Slack
  • Jotform and Typeform
  • and many more.

Zapier, the Connector

Zapier is a library of drag-and-drop connectors to over 3,000 apps and services. It provides a way for multiple tools to “speak” to each other by sending data back and forth. Zapier lets you spark an ongoing conversation with an app by setting up a Zap, which consists of a trigger paired with an action. When the Zap is on, it’ll perform a specified action whenever there’s a trigger event.

Using Zapier allows you to create connection points between SolveXia and thousands of different apps so you can be even more productive.

Get Zapping

Create a free Zapier account and then:

  1. Go to SolveXia's page in Zapier’s app centre.
  2. Follow our video tutorial to see what you can do with SolveXia and OneDrive.
  3. Or use the following templates we’ve already created:

If you need more help, you can always reach out to us at


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