Main changes in the new Designer View

July 17, 2019
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With the upcoming release of our new Process Designer, we will be launching exciting new features. We will also be making some changes to SolveXia that, as an existing user, you need to be aware of. In this article, we list eight important changes and explain how these changes will work in the new Process Designer:

  1. A new way to access your content
  2. No more right-clicks
  3. New data step editor
  4. Design mode is no longer used
  5. New way to organise content into folders
  6. New way to view step dependencies
  7. Ribbon bar no longer exists
  8. New way to create and manage users

A new way to access your content

The process tree is no-longer permanently visible down the left-hand side of the screen. You can access all of your folders, processes, tables and reports by clicking on the “Folders” link:

You can also now search for all of your content including processes, tables, reports and even files via a new global search box:

No more right-clicks

You can no-longer right-click in the application. Functions that were previously available through a right click (like adding a step) are now accessed via a menu:

There is a new data step editor

There is new data step editor, bringing two key changes:

  1. Data step properties are now added vertically down a page (instead of the free-form grid in the legacy application); and
  2. There is a new toggle to switch between view and edit modes for the data step:

Design Mode no longer exists

In the legacy application, you needed to enable “Design Mode” in order to be able to make changes to a process. This has been removed:

Now, users can edit a process immediately, as long as they have “Editor” level permissions (or above).

A new way to organise content into folders

Instead of dragging processes, tables and reports into a folder, you can now select multiple items (by hovering over each with your cursor) and then move them all at once to a folder.

Viewing dependencies

In the legacy application, hovering over a process step shows arrows indicating the dependencies associated with that step:

In the new Process Designer, there is menu item to show either the precedents or dependents for a step:

Ribbon bar no longer exists

The ribbon bar in the legacy version of SolveXia is used for a range of important functions such as creating and running processes:

One of the things that will be immediately apparent in the new process designer is that the ribbon bar no longer exists. Instead, key functionality has been moved to other parts of the application.

Running processes:

You can now run processes via the buttons located just above the step groups. This includes the ability to start and stop runs and create new process runs:

Creating processes:

You can create new processes, tables and reports using the ‘+’ icon located in the top right hand corner of the application:

Managing your account and other users (for admins):

These features are now available by clicking on your user name. This includes the ability to reset your password, access support and help articles, Subscriber View and the new Admin app (for creating and managing users).

A new way to create and manage users:

There is now a powerful new way to create and administer users in SolveXia via a dedicated Admin app:

The Admin view is accessible by Client Administrator users. To open the Admin view, click on your username and select “SolveXia Admin”:

You can learn more about the Admin view by reading our wiki article.


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